Unlocking Brain Potential: A Deep Dive into Nootropics

In a world where competition is fierce and the strive for excellence is engrained within our culture, finding a way to enhance our cognitive abilities can seem like the holy grail.

The allure of improved memory, sharpened focus and enhanced creativity is appealing; this is where nootropics take the stage. Nootropics, also known as "smart drugs" or "cognitive enhancers", are substances known for boosting brain function.

But do they work?

Chris D'Adamo, PhD, director of research and education at the University of Maryland's Center for Integrative Medicine, believes nootropics can provide some people an additional edge.

"Most people seeking to optimise cognitive function would be better off focusing on getting enough sleep, eating a nutrient-dense diet, and managing their stress". He says. Indicating that while nootropics might serve as a bonus, you first must have the core basics down in order to begin to see their effect.

These insights indicate that while they can be beneficial, they are precisely what they say on the tin - supplements and shouldn't in any way be used to replace great sleep and nutrition. In recent times, though, it's unsurprising that nootropic use is rising, especially when getting ahead can mean all the difference. But what are they, and how exactly do they help?

What Exactly Are Nootropics?

Romanian psychologist and chemist Dr Corneliu E. Giurgea coined the term 'nootropic' in 1972. The name derives from the Greek words 'nóos' to mean 'mind', and 'tropḗ' meaning 'turning'. Nootropics now can be categorised into two main types:

1) Synthetic compounds

2) Natural supplements

Synthetics, of course, relate to manufactured drugs like modafinil and piracetam. These are designed to boost brain function, and while they can be prescribed, their side effects are typically more pronounced.

Natural, on the other hand, are plant-derived substances such as caffeine and L-theanine. They, too, boost brain function, but their effects tend to be milder with a much lower risk of side effects, making them the safer and more accessible choice for most.

Nootropic supplements, whether synthetic or natural, aim to improve mental abilities such as memory, creativity, motivation, and attention span.

How Do Nootropics Work?

The brain is an intricate organ, and various substances can fine-tune the inner operations to elicit heightened cognitive function. Nootropics' diverse nature means that the way they interact with the brain can be through dramatically different ways.

Here's a closer look at how some of these operate:

Modulating neurotransmitter levels

Neurotransmitters, like dopamine and serotonin, play crucial roles in mood regulation, motivation and the feeling of pleasure. By modulating these neurotransmitters, some nootropics can help alleviate the symptoms of depression and anxiety and boost overall mental well-being.

Similarly, nootropics like Huperzine A inhibit acetylcholinesterase, the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is pivotal for memory function and learning. Thus, breaking down the nootropic amplifies its level and potentially improves memory function and learning capabilities.

Promoting neurogenesis

Nootropics such as Bacopa Monnieri have been shown to promote neurogenesis, the process of forming new neurons. This process has been linked to improved memory and overcoming stress and anxiety.

Enhancing blood flow to the brain

Vinpocetine, a nootropic known to enhance cerebral circulation, ensures an ample supply of oxygen and nutrients to brain cells. By improving blood flow, we can experience better mental clarity and focus.

Antioxidant defence

Many nootropics possess antioxidant properties, protecting brain cells from oxidative stress associated with ageing and neurodegenerative orders.

Nootropics have a wide range of unique mechanisms of action; individuals may opt for a single nootropic or combine to attain the desired cognitive benefits. Due to the altering effects, it is imperative to understand precisely how the nootropic affects your brain and what impact it may cause.

What are some known Nootropics?

The world of nootropics is vast, each having unique properties and benefits. We've already mentioned some in the section above, but we'll look closely at some notable ones you may have already heard about.


CDP-choline (Citicoline) is most well-known as a nootropic that enhances memory and aids against memory loss. The compound provides choline, essential in the production of acetylcholine - the neurotransmitter associated with memory and cognitive function.

A few benefits may include:

1) Improved memory retention and retrieval

2) Brain protection from damage associated with age-related cognitive decline

3) Enhanced retention and mental energy


L-theanine is an amino acid found primarily in tea leaves and is well-regarded for its calming effects and enhanced relaxation. This relaxation also comes without causing drowsiness.

A few benefits may include:

1) Promoting relaxation and stress management

2) Improved quality of sleep

3) Enhanced focus, attention and cognitive performance when combined with caffeine

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine Monohydrate is a popular fitness supplement known for enhancing physical performance. However, these benefits can also be noted in brain health and cognitive function.

A few benefits may include:

1) The maintaining of cognitive performance under conditions such as sleep deprivation or cognitive fatigue

2) Potential neuroprotective benefits

3) Mental energy and clarity through the maintaining of optimal ATP levels

4) Increased performance

Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa Monnieri - also known as 'Brahmi' - is a traditional Ayurvedic herb known for cognitive enhancing properties. It has been used for centuries for its mental benefits and ability to improve cognitive function.

A few benefits include:

1) Improved memory retention and retrieval

2) A reduction of anxiety and stress through anxiolytic effects

3) Neuroprotective effects via antioxidant properties

Huperzine A

Huperzine A is a compound extracted from herbs of the Huperziceae family. Inhibiting an enzyme that degrades acetylcholine can enhance memory and cognitive function.

A few benefits may include:

1) Memory enhancement

2) Neuroprotective effects

3) It may be beneficial in Alzheimer's disease treatment


Vinpocetine is known for its neuroprotective effects and is often used to enhance memory and cognitive function. It's a synthetic derivative of the Vina minor plant.

A few benefits may include:

1) Improved cerebral blood flow to the brain

2) Improved memory formation and retrieval

3) Neuroprotective effects

Rhodiola Rosea

A herb native to the cold mountainous regions of Asia and Europe. Rhodiola, or more specifically its roots, are considered adaptogens, which means they improve your body's resistance to stress

A few benefits may include:

1) A reduction in stress

2) Fatigue reduction

3) Improved exercise performance

4) Improved brain function

Who should take Nootropics?

As we've seen, numerous nootropics are available, each with its unique set of qualities and benefits. This is just the tip of the iceberg, with many using nootropics for a range of circumstances.

Here's a breakdown of who might find nootropics helpful and why:

Those seeking cognitive enhancement

Nootropic supplementation can be beneficial if you're looking for general enhancements to memory, creativity, motivation or other cognitive functions. These enhancements don't necessarily have to be for a particular focus or reason but to benefit your overall daily well-being.


Those under high academic pressure may find certain nootropics helpful in boosting focus, memory retention and mental clarity, helping to aid academic pursuits or to better their minds during intense learning periods.


Similarly to students, professional environments can be pressurised and challenging. Nootropics can potentially provide an edge where mental acuity and production are paramount. Similarly to general use, they can also be used to benefit daily work and the ability to focus on specific tasks.

individuals with Cognitive decline

Those experiencing age-related cognitive decline or other conditions, such as ADHD, may find nootropics can aid in symptom relief. As with all supplementation, seek medical guidance before adding new supplementation if you have a previously diagnosed condition.

Those experiencing anxiety or depression

As we've seen, some nootropics can aid with their mood-enhancing properties, potentially proving beneficial for individuals with various mood disorders. As with the above cognitive decline, it's crucial that you seek a healthcare professional's supervision before adding new supplementations.

Nootropics is also not a one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one person may not work for another due to the complex nature of our brain chemistry and health profiles. Personalised advice from a healthcare provider is invaluable when considering supplementation and deciding what is best for your current situation and future.

Should you take nootropic supplements?

From students and professionals seeking a mental edge to individuals facing cognitive challenges, nootropics present an exciting avenue for exploration. As the field of nootropics is vast and evolving, a well-informed and cautious approach will help you gain the most benefit while safeguarding your health.

Do your own research on the various nootropics available to you and those that provide the mental benefits you're looking for. Check in with a healthcare professional who can help guide you on the right nootropics and make recommendations based on your personal health profile.

If you’re curious about nootropics, or want to learn more about which would help you better achieve your goals, get in touch with our team. They can help guide you on the options and teach you more about the world of nootropics.


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