How Often Should You get a Massage? An Expert Guide

The ideal frequency of massage depends on various personal factors, such as lifestyle, stress levels, health goals, and physical activity. Someone dealing with chronic pain or recovering from an injury might benefit from weekly sessions, whereas a person seeking general relaxation and stress management might find once a month sufficient.

While massage often evokes relaxation and unwinding, specific massage types can target specific objectives.

Soft tissue therapy, for example,  encompasses a wide range of massage techniques and styles, including cupping, Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation (IASTM), breath work, and various types of massage. Each technique serves different purposes, from muscle recovery to relaxation or improving mobility. The type of therapy you choose, combined with your individual wellness goals, will help determine how often you should book sessions.

Comprehensive tissue work for injury recovery may initially require more frequent visits, while maintenance sessions can be spaced out. Ultimately, the best plan is one that's tailored to your needs, balancing your body's response, lifestyle, and schedule.

Factors That Influence Massage Frequency

Many factors can influence what type of massage and frequency are best for you. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to massage, and it's best to fully understand your objectives and response to your session when considering massage therapy. 

Here are some common factors that influence massage frequency.

Stress Management and Relaxation

Stress is an all-too-common issue, especially in London, affecting everyone differently. Chronic stress can manifest in physical symptoms like muscle tension, headaches, and fatigue, making regular massage therapy a valuable tool for managing these effects. Our team recommends more frequent sessions if stress is taking a toll on your body. Weekly or bi-weekly sessions can help maintain relaxation, improve sleep quality, and reduce cortisol levels over time.

For those with less pronounced stress, a monthly massage therapy session might be enough to reset and recharge. Ultimately, the goal is to find a frequency that balances stress levels with the body's need for relaxation.

Physical Activity and Muscle Recovery

If you lead an active or physically demanding lifestyle, massage can play a crucial role in helping your body recover and perform at its best. Whether you're engaged in regular workouts like weightlifting, running, or fitness classes, or your job involves standing for long hours, lifting or moving items, or driving for extended periods, your muscles experience significant strain. Over time, this can lead to tightness, soreness, and even injury if not managed properly.

Massage therapy can speed up recovery, reduce muscle soreness, and help prevent injury by increasing circulation, improving muscle flexibility, and releasing built-up tension. People with hectic work lives, such as those who stand or move constantly—like retail workers, healthcare professionals, or warehouse staff—can benefit from regular massages to relieve the physical stress that builds up during long shifts.

Regular massages are key to maintaining peak performance for those on a structured training regime, including athletes and weekend warriors who play sports like cycling, football, or tennis. For individuals who train multiple times a week, our therapists may recommend weekly or biweekly sessions to keep muscles flexible and prevent the cumulative effects of strain.

On the other hand, someone with a more moderate fitness routine or physically demanding job may find that monthly sessions are sufficient to provide recovery and prevent discomfort. For weekend athletes or those who play sports casually, getting a massage either before or after a game can help prevent injury and ease post-activity soreness.

Considering all these factors, assess the intensity of your daily physical activity and create a massage schedule that aligns with your specific needs. Whether you're pushing your body through regular workouts or dealing with the wear and tear of a physically demanding job on the Kensington high street, we'll help you find the perfect frequency to keep you moving at your best.

Athletic Performance and Recovery

Soft tissue, deep tissue, and sports massage therapy are vital components in enhancing performance and speeding up recovery for athletes and active professionals. It goes beyond relaxation, allowing a better range of motion and smoother movement and targeting deeper layers of muscle tissue to alleviate the physical stress and strain of intense training and competition.

Regular massage sessions help maintain optimal physical condition when preparing for a competition or increasing training intensity. By improving circulation, therapy promotes faster nutrient delivery to muscles, aiding in quicker recovery while flushing out metabolic waste like lactic acid. This process reduces post-exercise soreness and stiffness, allowing you to train harder and bounce back faster.

Flexibility is another critical factor for athletes. Tight muscles and restricted range of motion can impair performance and heighten the risk of injury. Soft and deep tissue massages help release tight fascia, improve muscle elasticity, and ensure joints move at full capacity. This is especially important for athletes whose sports demand agility and mobility, like dancers, gymnasts, or runners.

During peak training phases or the lead-up to an event, athletes often require more frequent sessions—sometimes multiple times per week. These sessions not only aid in recovering from tough workouts but also prepare the body for the physical demands of competition. By addressing muscle tightness and correcting imbalances, massage reduces the likelihood of overuse injuries or issues caused by asymmetrical movement patterns. This preventive care is essential for endurance athletes like marathon runners or cyclists sustaining performance without injury.

Post-event therapy is equally crucial, helping athletes recover quickly. After a competition or intense training, the body needs time to heal from the stress it has endured. Massage therapy accelerates this process by breaking down scar tissue, reducing inflammation, and relaxing muscles. This is especially beneficial for athletes who need to get back to training promptly, minimising downtime and maintaining peak condition.

Depending on your sport, training cycle, and personal recovery rate, we tailor a massage plan that aligns with your performance objectives. Whether you're an endurance athlete, a strength-based competitor, or preparing for a specific event, your therapy regimen will enhance your athletic journey, boosting recovery and overall performance.

Treating Specific Conditions

Soft tissue work, including massage therapy, can significantly benefit a wide range of specific conditions by addressing muscle tension, improving circulation, and enhancing flexibility. Here are several conditions that can be effectively treated:

Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia

Individuals suffering from chronic pain, such as fibromyalgia, often experience widespread muscle tenderness and fatigue. Soft tissue work, particularly gentle massage techniques, helps reduce pain sensitivity by targeting tender areas and enhancing blood flow. This improves muscle oxygenation and reduces inflammation, offering long-term pain relief.

Sports Injuries and Muscle Strain

Athletes or individuals recovering from sports-related injuries benefit immensely from regular massages. Regular massage helps prevent injuries by loosening tight muscles, improving range of motion, and speeding up recovery from strains or sprains. Sports massage can be especially beneficial for addressing muscle imbalances and preventing further injury during rehabilitation.

Post-Surgical Recovery

After surgery, soft tissue massage can play a critical role in reducing scar tissue formation and improving mobility in the affected area. Techniques such as lymphatic drainage massage can also reduce post-surgical swelling, while gentle pressure promotes faster healing by encouraging circulation and reducing inflammation.


For those with arthritis, regular massage therapy focused on soft tissue work can help relieve joint stiffness and pain. Massage stimulates circulation in the muscles surrounding the joints, improving joint flexibility and function while reducing stiffness and discomfort. The therapist might use gentle techniques to avoid exacerbating inflammation.

Tension Headaches & Migraines

Soft tissue work that focuses on the neck, shoulders, and head can relieve tension headaches and migraines. Often caused by muscle tightness in these areas, massage helps relax the muscles, release trigger points, and alleviate tension, reducing headache frequency and intensity.

Sciatica and Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain, including sciatica, is a common condition treated by soft tissue work. Massage therapy can alleviate muscle tightness and nerve compression, especially in the lower back and gluteal muscles, providing relief from the radiating pain characteristic of sciatica.

Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Individuals experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety, or depression often report physical symptoms such as muscle tension, tightness, and fatigue. Massage therapy, particularly soft tissue techniques, helps stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, encouraging relaxation and reducing the physical manifestations of stress. Regular sessions can lower cortisol levels and improve mood.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Massage therapy can alleviate the discomfort and numbness caused by carpal tunnel syndrome by relieving pressure on the median nerve. Soft tissue work in the arms, wrists, and hands can reduce inflammation and improve flexibility, helping to reduce the frequency of flare-ups.

Benefits of Regular Massage Therapy

Pain Relief and Chronic Conditions

Regular massage therapy can be highly beneficial for individuals dealing with chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis, and back pain. Frequent sessions help alleviate pain by loosening tight muscles, improving circulation, and reducing inflammation.

For example, those with arthritis can experience reduced joint stiffness and increased flexibility, while fibromyalgia patients may notice decreased muscle tenderness. Massage works by promoting relaxation and increasing blood flow, which helps the body repair and recover faster. More frequent treatments—such as weekly sessions—can lead to more sustained pain relief and an overall improved quality of life.

Boosting Mental Well-being

Beyond physical relief, regular Soft tissue and massage therapy is a powerful tool for improving mental health. It helps reduce anxiety and depression symptoms by promoting relaxation and lowering cortisol levels, the hormone responsible for stress.

Massage stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's natural "feel-good" chemicals. Endorphins elevate mood and promote emotional well-being. This regular endorphin release can help manage daily stress, making it easier to handle challenging situations and supporting better overall mental health.

For more information on the types and benefits of massage, see our other post: What is Massage Therapy: Types and Benefits

Tailoring Your Massage Frequency to Your Needs

Our Kensington massage therapists will tailor the frequency of your treatments based on your specific goals, health concerns, and lifestyle. Whether managing chronic pain, rehabbing from surgery, seeking stress relief, or enhancing athletic performance, adjusting how often you get a massage will help maximise the benefits.

Is Daily too much?

Although daily massage sessions may seem excessive for most people, they can be very appropriate in certain situations, such as injury recovery or intense athletic training.

Athletes or individuals recovering from surgery might benefit from daily or near-daily sessions, as frequent massage promotes muscle healing, reduces inflammation, and helps prevent stiffness. However, for general relaxation or pain management, daily massages may lead to overstimulation or sensitivity in the muscles and tissues. Most people find that less frequent sessions (e.g., every few days) provide the same benefits without the risk of muscle fatigue.

Weekly vs. Monthly Massage: What's Best?

The ideal frequency of soft tissue therapy often depends on your goals:

Weekly Massage

A weekly massage session is recommended for those dealing with chronic pain, high stress levels, or athletes in training. It provides continuous relief from muscle tension and helps maintain flexibility. Conditions like arthritis or back pain also benefit from more frequent massages to keep symptoms under control. Regular weekly sessions help maintain progress and prevent the buildup of tension or discomfort.

Monthly Massage

A monthly massage may be sufficient for general wellness or longevity. This schedule allows you to enjoy the stress-relieving and muscle-soothing benefits while still addressing any minor issues. A monthly session helps maintain mental well-being, reduce anxiety, and relieve mild muscle tension, making it an excellent option for those not dealing with severe conditions.

Ultimately, the frequency of your treatments should align with your health needs and personal goals. Discussing these with your massage therapist will help tailor a plan supporting your desired outcomes, whether for pain relief, recovery, or relaxation.

Finding Your Ideal Massage Frequency

Massage frequency is a highly individualised decision that depends on your health goals, lifestyle, and any physical or mental conditions you manage. Whether you're seeking pain relief for chronic conditions, such as fibromyalgia or arthritis, or looking to improve mental well-being by reducing stress and anxiety, your massage routine should be tailored to suit your needs. There's no one-size-fits-all approach — while some may benefit from weekly or even daily sessions, others might find monthly massages sufficient for maintaining wellness.

Finding the right balance requires careful consideration of your body's needs. Consultation with a soft tissue specialist will help guide you toward the most effective schedule. Regular massage can significantly improve your physical and mental well-being, helping you feel rejuvenated and balanced.

Ready to experience the benefits of Massage Therapy? 

Book a session with our London massage therapy team and discover how tailored massage, movement, breathing, and cupping can help you meet your personal goals in wellness, sports, longevity, and more.

To book a session online, visit our Massage Therapy Page, or contact our Kensington reception team through our contact page form.


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